
Monday, 12 November 2012

New books: Napoleonics, Apaches and WWI naval

Totally forgot to mention that I have expanded my reading list with two books on the Napoleonic period. Both in the Hero of Waterloo project scope.

First of all Dominic Lieven's Russia Against Napoleon, The Battle for Europe 1807-1814. This has me enthralled because it starts out with a chapter on recruiting, horsebreeding and arms industry and promises more on logistics. You know, the kind of stuff I am as resistant to as chocolate. Easy read as well.

Although the Ruski's weren't at Waterloo, they were instrumental in bringing down Napoleon and liberating Germany in 1813-4. Also, their armies were marching westwards as Waterloo took place and Lieven will have some interesting things to say about the Russian capability to take on Napoleon in case of a French victory in the Low Countries and their determination to bring him down again.

I picked up the less bulky Battle Story: Waterloo 1815 by Gregory Fremont-Barnes because it is really aimed at the general public and explains a lot of things in small text boxes, for example the size of the battlefield, cavalry vs squares, shrapnel and disabling guns.

His description of the timing of events is also elaborate and might help the uninitiated. There's concise biography's on the main participants and many small illustrations. This all looks promising.

The three Ospreys show my inability to stick to the confines of my projects. The Nile campaign book I bought more for the land battles than the sea engagement. And I have this interest in North American Indian that sees me buy these Ospreys one at a time.

Coronel and Falklands I bought because it is written by Mike McNally, who's a friend I helped out researching his books on the Boyne (1690) and Aughrim (1691). He's also done a good one on the Teutoburger Wald battle or Varusschlacht (some things just sound better in German), and although Colditz and WWI naval stuff aren't my first love (or second, for that matter), I picked them up anyway.

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