
Saturday, 12 October 2013

Followers: 39 Reasons To Be A Happy Blogger #4

Continuing the honours list of my followers:

#16 Millsy, ´Mad wargamer´ with an interest in Dark Ages and GW; blogger at Canister & Grape

#15  Phil Broeders, convincingly backs up his claim of dedication to all kinds of wargaming at The Wargaming Site

#14 Mik, of Mik´s Minis where he shows there are no bounds to creativity when it comes to wargaming. Fantasy, scifi, Lego, historical etc etc

#13  Ian Willey of the Blog With No Name, who indeed manages to get the better of me most of the time with his series of Terribly Obscure Wars

#12 Jim Hale, the man with more blogs than split personalities (I hope), Arlequin's Wargames, War of Burgundian Succession, Brush Fire Wars, France d'Abord, La Carretera de la Muerte, Dark City, contributing as well to the Interbellum blog on imagi-nations

#11 Erwin Blonk, smart guy, fantasy wargamer, music fan, dad, in no particular order

#10 The Frontline Gamer. Blogging in a class of his own, with his Sunday Sermons providing me with some weekend's reflection.

#9 Bert van Hal of Little Lions Wargaming blog. He plays WH fantasy, 18th century, and is interested in much more...


  1. lol I thought it was going to say 'more blogs than sense' for a moment. :-)

    1. I was tempted, of course, but thought it was better not to chase away my precious followers ;-)

    2. Worry not. I have a thick skin (some may say a thick head too!) and sometimes we gamers can be a touch too serious for our own good.


  2. Thanks for the plug.

    I really do love the Terribly Obscure posts, just wonder if anyone has actually gone on to wargame any of them...



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